Wolfing Down Food Science
Ever wonder about how your food makes it from the farm to your table? There is a lot of food science along the way. Not a culinary or nutrition podcast, Wolfing Down Food Science is all about the chemistry, microbiology and engineering of food. Questions or comments? Send us an email at wolfingdownfoodscience@gmail.com. To find out more about food science at NC State University check us out at https://cals.ncsu.edu/food-bioprocessing-and-nutrition-sciences/
Wolfing Down Food Science
Happy Fall Ya'll! Catching up with WDFS (S7:E1)
Happy fall ya'll! WDFS is kicking off the season by catching up with our hosts, Keith and Paige, and our producer, Eliza. After a busy summer, we find out where everyone has traveled to and what we learned. Join us for the season kick off!
Got a questions for us? Email us at wolfingdownfoodscience@gmail.com
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